Service & Mission
CYACC volunteers support many organizations and projects throughout the year. If you would like to learn more or to get involved in a service project, contact the Core Team at Here are a few of the many opportunities available:
Good Works
Good Works is a Christian non-profit dedicated to repairing homes and restoring hope to low-income homeowners around Chester County. On Saturdays a few times a year, CYACC sends a volunteer team to participate in remodeling projects. Experience is not required and tools are provided. An all day commitment is requested for these build days.

Bridge of Hope
Bridge of Hope is a Christian non-profit working to end homelessness by supporting single mothers and their children. CYACC volunteers provide childcare at the large group gatherings.

Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services is the primary international relief agency for Catholics in the United States. Once a year, CYACC joins forces with the Church of Saint Monica in Berwyn to host a large meal packing event called Helping Hands. At the event, hundreds of volunteers work together in an assembly line to pack tens of thousands of freeze dried meals which provide hunger relief in Burkina Faso.
St. Edmond's Home for Children
Saint Edmond's is a home for children with special needs. CYACC volunteers spend time with the children in a group setting working on crafts and playing games.